Next release: Feb 3, 2025
Known bugs/common issues
We are fully aware that inconsistency caused by issues listed in this section may affect the quality and trust you have in the evaluation, and as such, we assure you we are prioritizing fixes to make sure that you are not dealing with cleaning up our mistakes. Our #1 priority is to be bug-free on reports ASAP, but please keep in mind due to the complex nature of our work, fixes may take a while. Thank you for your patience 😊
We do not support multi-rater/multi-report combinations (BASC TRS + PRS as one document | WISC+KTEA+WIAT combo document); they must be split into the individual documents.
Filenames that have a caret character (“^”) will error out and not validate correctly (e.g. ASRS_John^Doe.pdf)
Abnormal characters (typically as a result of copy + paste) may cause the interviews and observation inputs to not function correctly.
Identical rater names will cause rating scales to error in output.
If more than one rater on pdfs share the exact same name e.g. John Smith and John Smith, the processing step for that report will be flawed.
To avoid this, add any character that makes the names different; we recommend a placeholder that is easy to remove when you edit the final output, such as John Parent Smith and John Teacher Smith, and then use a Replace All (CTRL+H) afterwards
Release Notes v1.3 (updated Nov 4, 2024)
Patch Notes Version 1.3
BRIEF-2 SRP fixes for ‘Task Completion’
ABAS-3 fixes for Functional and Functional Pre-Academics narrative not appearing
WIAT-4 Spelling removed from Reading subtest table
Various bug fixes on spacing
Additional Reports end of Q4: CAS-2, NEPSY, CTOPP, UNIT-2
For a full list of reports we support, click here.
Archived Release Notes
Patch Notes Version 1.2
Lowered Pricing
Date of testing on reports and student birthdate are now required as age-based logic in reports have been introduced (e.g. WPPSI)
Implemented Token system; processing consumes 1 token, downloading does not
All tables have been re-formatted to include colors
Parent and teacher data are now included as one table
The underlying product now supports manual entry. The system supports the WISC-V is available at launch, and will make more reports available over time.
Now supports:
Rating scales
v1.1 (Apr 1 - Sep 7, 2024)
Patch Notes Version 1.1
Font has been updated to Arial
Case management has been reworked to better support Firefox, Safari, and Chrome browsers.
Rating scales now provide descriptive categories, T-scores, and percentiles.
Conners-4 Short form is now supported.
Vineland-3 Domain only is now supported.
Vineland-3 Comprehensive Interviewee report is IN PROGRESS.
KTEA-3 is now supported (docx)
BASC-3 Child SRP is now supported.
Student Interviews is now supported.
Short-term Report roadmap: KABC, CAS2, ABAS, CTOPP-2
~20 workflow related bug-fixes identified since v1.0 (see Hotfixes), 10+ performance improvements
Confidence Intervals are now added for every report. If any outputs are missing against expectations, please report caseID to the team
The WJ-Achievement and Cognitive output reliability is improved; particularly, the Reading Cluster was not showing as expected
The KTEA is now available in .docx
v1.0 (Feb 13-Mar 31, 2024)
Patch Notes Version 1.0
Base product release with following features enabled
Centralized consent requests (email)
Email notification when consent is completed
Waive consent option
Score report extraction:
.docx: BASC-3, Vineland-3, WIAT-IV, WISC-V, WJ-IV Achievement, WJ-Cognitive
.pdf: ASRS, BRIEF-2, Conners4
Observation summarization
Interview summarization
Evaluation template for final output, domain-based
Email notification when case finishes processing
Hotfixes for v1.0 (Last update Mar 19, 2024)
The Student Name will now appear on the cover page
Rating scale tables will now show percentiles along with descriptions
Validation header titles are updated to more accurately reflect intent (Fail reason -> warning; PDF files -> Files (any))
BRIEF-2 non-interpretative version is now supported
BRIEF-2: added spacing between parent and teacher sections
BASC-3 Preschool variant is now supported
BASC-3 SRP is now fixed to not have ${…-Conditional_Statements} errors
BASC-3 Child version of the Self report is now supported
BASC-3: the School Problems final statement summary that’s italicized is now correctly picking up elevated/non elevated Learning Problems and Attention problems
Conners 4 - Random edge cases where ”Slightly elevated” gets cut-off at “slightly” is fixed
Conners 4 - now correctly includes ADHD Index Guideline summary statements and “Very Low”, and “Very High” are correctly interpreted.
Conners 4 Short Form is now supported
Vineland-3 Domain-level report is now supported (i.e. the report does not need subdomains)
Vineland-3: we now support mix-and-matching Domain-level report/non Domain-level report for Parent and Teachers in one submission (ex: parent report has Subdomains, teacher report does NOT)
Vineland-3 Maladaptive narrative is now appearing correctly
Vineland-3 Domain level report now correctly renders the data table
WISC-V: fixed some awkward spacing between words in the .docx
When processing many .pdfs and word docs, the Save and Submit button for the Validation step now has a scroll bar
Observations and Interviews now send pronouns to GPT, and should eliminate incorrect pronoun usage in summaries 99.98% of the time