Number of individual users


Number of States represented


Direct quotes

“...  was taking me about 6-8 hours to write a full evaluation, depending on how many assessment tools I was using. Now it’s taking me around 2-4 hours." -User, Olympia, WA

"Where was this when I was an intern?!" -User, Denver, CO

"It's so simple to use; it's given me back hours of my life." -User, Garland, TX

"… I'm never going back to NOT using this app. Your company better not go broke! We’re rooting for you." -User, Tampa, FL

"I'm obsessed with this app! I have so many ideas for it and it's so easy to use; I don’t remember the last time I used any tool without having to watch hour long training videos." -User, from Savannah, GA

"I used to take a full day, an evening, and maybe part of the next morning to write evals. After using [Lightner] for a month, it only takes me an afternoon." -User, Nacogdoches, TX